Enter your HERE Maps API key and optionally a starting bouding box (defaults to London). You can get an API key from developer.here.com for free.
The key will be saved in a cookie after the first request. Click here to erase cookie
(Note for devs: If you want to inspect the raw flow data, they are in the global variable called trdata)
Manual selection Plot Heatmap Plot Speeding

Experimental feature: Plots each section of the road with a colour scale that shows the average speed. Sub-sections don't work yet, so the average is over the whole length of the road.

Experimental feature - Not working yet: This plots each section of the road where the reported average speed (SU - Speed Uncut) is higher than the average speed excluding speeding (SP).

Queuing direction (QD):

At this stage, I haven't figured out how plot both directions on the same road, so there are two heatmaps avaible, one per queueing direction. The queuing direction for each road in HERE maps can be + or -

The LI and PC identify the road and section. Copy them in your bot-config.js file

Speed data from the section will be shown below. Details on the metrics can be found at HERE Maps documentation